Friday, October 21, 2011

Milestones N' Marathons...

     I have been keeping track of Ezra's  Progress on a notepad, and trying to find time to put it in his baby book i figured Id start here plus my friend Kristen did it so i thought Id copy her because she is so on top of crap its retarded! ;) Also i plan on printing out all the Blogs about Ezra's journey to my arms for his baby book anyway so this will work out! It has been one month since Ezra joined us and i think it is important to keep track of how far he has come.


*So far reddish light brown hair from Mommy and Daddy and brown eyes just like daddy!

*Breast fed only but takes a bottle with only breast milk, loves the occasional Nuk in the juice, goes crazy if he isn't fed when he wants to be fed like both mommy and daddy, but we are so giving full credit to dad on this one because it is seriously CRAZY!

*Loves mommys hair and daddies scruff!

*Is obsessed with his hands and arms, he always has to be touching his face just like mommy!

*Is a total night owl like mommy is/was before daddy put her on a schedule but now we get to relive the bop till you drop nights!

*Is a heavy sleeper, again like mommy!

*Loves Music, ALL music he has a thing for trumpets, flutes & electronica!

*Loves to snuggle

*Cant get enough of being swaddled!

*Loves his swing

*Is a total water baby Loves bath time!

*Is very thick skinned, unless its minor and random, ha ha

*Likes car rides and shopping

*Sleeps through Jack hammers and you name it during the day but at night he will wake up to the sound of anything we don't want him to hear, like us whispering even though a siren went off 30 seconds prior!


*SEPTEMBER 18TH 2011 6:45AM
    Ezra was born albs 15oz 21"

   Partial Bath @ home

  Many spontaneous smiles for mom and dad

  First outing with Mommy, Daddy and GG to the mall and Andrea's Seafood @ the Ventura Harbor

  First Drs. visit

  Ezras Circumcision Only cried a little when strapped to the board but cooed at me the whole time!            
  Brave Boy!

  Started rolling back and forth to get on his sides

  Mimics facial expressions, and can hold head up for longer than 30 seconds

  Responded to Daddy waving and waved back... not just once but every time Daddy waved Ezra          
  waved (on Video)

  Umbilical cord falls out

  First real full bath, and can hold his head up on his own for a short period of time

  First real smiles in response to Mommy and Daddy!

  Starts to notice the kitties as different from everything else, very much intrigued!

    Both Mike and I are doing great with the transition not a lot of sleep but we have learned to catch up when we can, our house is in complete disarray and  it kinda like a whatever matter thanks to the lack of sleep, I dont know how people let outsiders clean their home when they go through large transitions as we have, there is no way in hell id let anyone who isn't me or mike step foot in this house. i mean it isn't that crazy but i dont want to share it with anyone either!
    Both our families are in love with Ezra they cant get enough of him and we are so blessed to have such a good looking and sweet mannered infant who is pleasant to be around. Mikes Parents finally get to legitimately spoil, bless and enjoy a grandchild for once instead of feeling responsible for his well being or worried for his little upbringing. In the words of Mikes mom (gramee sandy) "Ezra has given me a new lease on life!" and his dad (papa hal) call Ezra his "little prince".  My mom (gg)is very happy about Ezra she feels ecstatic about the relationship she is already able to have with him, she spoils the tar outta him and like mikes parents is very helpful when it comes to wanting to be active in the basic necessities of Ezras development. My grandparents (the greats) and uncles feel the same as my mom, and my dad (papa bob) cant get enough of him!  There is the matter of my best friend (brother) who hasn't held Ezra let alone seen him face to face and well that doesn't just bother me and hurt my feelings it down right pisses me off! I was beating down Lancaster to see my Niece when she was born, in fact I helped cleaned their house, washed his car and got an oil change for them while she was in labor/giving birth, on top of helping them out with food and such. Im not asking for any of that I just want him to show up and that is it. I even told him while in the hospital id pay for his gas to get to me, my mom and dad were in agreement and still no show. I know they read this, so now maybe they might get how LAME it all is, there is really no excuse but they will be made, mark my words! So Brother of mine I love you very much and that is why I am so deeply hurt and disappointed in the lack of effort on your part, I will leave it all at this statement tonight and I wont make a big deal of it any further, call me dramatic as you usually do but I think in all honesty it's a fair emotion to feel on my part in spite of it all. If one of you can make it to an arts and crafts festival with someone you barely tolerate I would assume one of you could have made it to the long awaited birth of the nephew especially the Uncle of said nephew, or the excuses for not able to get time off work months/weeks in advance but a week long trip to Arizona is all gravy? One day is all I asked a few hours, its total weak sauce! I dont understand the dynamics there but they are dumb because they seem to affect others on the outside but close to you! Sorry to blast it up but long nights awake give me time to think and I would never do that and Bro you know it. Im so sorry if this is drama but I had to get it off my chest and this is how I roll.
    Anyway back to the non-bitter end of reality Mike and I are blessed beyond measure and we often get weepy thinking about all God has entrusted to us! We are already making long term family plans. We are stopping all forms of birth control after my birthday March 18th 2012 and after Mike birthday June 20th 2012 if we arent already Pregnant we will be trying again. We have been brainstorming with my dad for family vacations may they be weekends or week long trips the planning has started and it has been kicked into high gear for late winter/early spring and summer!

    It is no secret i am a very goal oriented individual, that said i have a week and a half from now till my 6 week check up and clearance to start high impact training. i have a goal to be slimmer than pre-baby by christmas and totally ripped by my birthday... the LA Marathon which takes place on my birthday march 18th is an exciting reason to get fit as well, 26.2 miles.  so now i have 2 goals and I am very excited... So something new to follow here on my blog other than Ezra now that my crazy pregnancy is over!


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